Incidents Details - AS1885

This is the Australian Standard for Workplace Injury and Disease Recording. These are all predefined options, and it is not possible to add new items to these fields. See AS1885 Tables in System Preferences for more information.


Mechanism of Injury/Disease:

What type of occurrence caused this injury or disease? Includes:

Hitting objects with a part of the body

Exposure to sharp sudden sound

Long term contact with chemical or substance

Breakdown Agency:

What was the means or instrument for this injury/disease? Includes:

Machinery and fixed plant

Powered equipment, tools and appliances

Biological agencies

Nature of Injury/Disease:

This details the type of injury or disease:

Fractures (excluding of vertebral column)

Internal injury of chest, abdomen and pelvis


This will flow through to the Injuries tab, but can be superseded there if necessary.

Incident Classification:

There are four options to select from, including Lost Time Injury/Disease and Near Miss. (Note that if the AS1885 option is used, LTI can be used by OHS Statistics reporting.)

Bodily Location:

There are a number of options to select from, including Eye, Ear, Neck, Back, Shoulders and Arms.

This will flow through to the Injuries tab, but can be superseded there if necessary.

Closed Date/Time: Once the Incident has been addressed, enter the closure date. This might include a Hazard being raised, or compensation payment made.
Closed By: The name of the responsible person who closed this Incident.
Notes: Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the incident.


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